
Pastor & Staff

Rev. Wayne Marcus

Senior Pastor

Rev. Wayne Marcus is married to Tammy and has two daughters: Tasha and Noel. Tasha and her husband, Tyler Scroggs, have blessed Pastor Marcus with 3 grandchildren: Easton, Eli, and Elissa. Noel is married to Shane Pauley, and they have two daughters Hannah Kate and Abigail. God called Pastor Marcus to salvation at the age of 21 and soon after that into the Gospel ministry. At the age of 25, he began his first pastorate at Swamp Creek Baptist Church in Dalton, GA. After serving at Swamp Creek for five and a half years, the Lord led him to Tom’s Creek Baptist Church in 1998, where he currently serves as its Senior Pastor.

Denny Folsom

Minister of Music

Type your new text here.

Bryan Hulsey

Youth  &  Children  Pastor

This will be changed shortly by Bryan. It is simply a format test. The two of them have been longterm members of Tom’s Creek Baptist Church. J.T. was saved at the age of 7, and then at the age of 23 was called to preach. He is a senior at Liberty University and set to graduate May of 2024 with a Bachelor of Science: Religion- Biblical Studies and Theology. After this, he is going to seminary to get his MDiv. He is the current Associate Pastor Intern for the year of 2024. 

Ben Glaze

Director of Senior Adults and Care

Ben Glaze is married to Vicki and has two sons: Alan and Matthew. The Lord has blessed Ben and Vicki with 6 grandchildren: 3 here on earth and 3 in heaven. God called Ben to salvation at the age of 12, and as His servant, he has been serving the Lord as a deacon, teacher, and many other ministries in the years since. He now ministers to the senior adults and homebound at Tom’s Creek.