Connect. Grow. Serve Go.
"(Christ) we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ" (Colossians 1:28).
We want students to connect with God and with each other. We want Tom’s Creek to be a place where barriers are broken down, and students can relate to and fellowship with one another. We provide opportunities for students to interact and encourage building relationships.
We want students to grow in their faith and in their relationship with God. We provide opportunities for growth through weekly student worship and Bible study. We also encourage students to further their growth through personal quiet times, devotion, and Bible study.
We want to cultivate a culture of servanthood, where students seek to serve others out of love, compassion, and Christ-like obedience. We provide opportunities for students to serve through mission trips, outreach, and community service projects.
We want students to develop a lasting faithfulness to the call to follow Jesus and become fishers of men. We want students to recognize the need for gospel proclamation in their homes, schools, communities, nation, and world. We seek to equip students to share their faith and give them opportunities to make disciples, whether through church events, community outreach, personal opportunities, or mission trips.
Sunday School: 9:30am-10:30am
Sunday School is a small group opportunity for students to study God's Word, fellowship with other students their age, and learn healthy patterns for discipleship.
Discipleship Training: 6pm-7pm
Discipleship Training consists of short-term classes for specific subjects for students. Age/gender groupings vary depending on the specific topics being addressed.
Student Worship Service: 7pm-8pm
Wednesday nights are a time for students to come together and worship God. Students help lead in worship, we pray, and we study God's Word. Our gym is open before and after services for further fellowship opportunities.
Downloadable Forms
Depending on the upcoming activity/trip, certain forms may need to be on file. Our Youth Trip Guidelines is a behavior contract, outlining the expected behavior for any activity. This form is required to be filled out before each trip. Our Medical Release Forms are required so that in case of emergency, we have the necessary contact information, insurance information, and legal permissions to ensure our students taken care of properly. This form must be updated each year to ensure that information is accurate. Additional forms may be available here if needed for upcoming opportunities.