Pastor's Article Dec. 10, 2023

~ Pastor’s Weekly Article ~
This is the time of year that we focus on our Foreign Mission Offering which is named after Lottie Moon a Missionary who dedicated her life sharing the gospel with the people of China. In the Southern Baptist Convention, we take up this offering every year to support our Missionaries that are serving in places other than North America. Our Church goal is 38,000.00 and every penny that is received goes to support the work of our foreign missionaries. You will be seeing videos that help you understand the work that is going on around the world so that every Nation, people, and language may know who Jesus Christ is and that God loves them.
I want to encourage you to give in support of the work of sharing the gospel to all people. I know that most of us have jobs and work here at home that limit our ability to travel abroad and why we encourage you to go on mission trips and to share your faith here, this offering gives you a chance to be apart of taking the Gospel to the World.  We have been commissioned by the Lord to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Matthew 28:19–20
This is a great way for us to be going by giving that others can go. As you will see and hear in the days to come there are many missionaries that go, and they are able to go, because we are faithful to give. So please in a time when the World is so full of lostness, be faithful in doing what you can as we receive this offering on December 24. I want to thank you in advance for your generosity in giving for the sake of the Gospel.           Pastor, Rev. Wayne Marcus    



