Weekly Article
There are a lot of people that think that they are saved, they will say that they hope they are. Some will tell you that they used to be saved, or that they are trying to be saved. When I hear these statements, it breaks my heart because this is evidence that they are totally confused as to what it really means to be Saved. Salvation is not based on your effort, your church attendance, your performance, or even by reciting a prayer that someone led you in. Salvation is the result of you by faith placing your life in the capable hands and work of Jesus Christ and by faith trusting Him. My prayer is that you can know that you are saved and not just for today but saved to the uttermost, meaning absolutely for ever and ever, cleansed, secure and settled in Christ Jesus.
It is wonderful to go to bed at night knowing that if the Lord should call me home in my sleep heaven is my destination. It is awesome to get in the truck each day and know that if I were to be in a wreck and die, that I would really be more alive than I have ever been. The Bible teaches me that I am saved to the uttermost because I come to God by Him (Jesus) not by me, or by a church but through Jesus who ever lives to make intercession for Me. Friend, as the song goes “I am saved to the uttermost I know that I am, washed in the blood of the precious lamb.” Do you know that you are? If you don’t know, I am praying that you will make it sure today.
Pastor, Rev. Wayne Marcus
There are a lot of people that think that they are saved, they will say that they hope they are. Some will tell you that they used to be saved, or that they are trying to be saved. When I hear these statements, it breaks my heart because this is evidence that they are totally confused as to what it really means to be Saved. Salvation is not based on your effort, your church attendance, your performance, or even by reciting a prayer that someone led you in. Salvation is the result of you by faith placing your life in the capable hands and work of Jesus Christ and by faith trusting Him. My prayer is that you can know that you are saved and not just for today but saved to the uttermost, meaning absolutely for ever and ever, cleansed, secure and settled in Christ Jesus.
It is wonderful to go to bed at night knowing that if the Lord should call me home in my sleep heaven is my destination. It is awesome to get in the truck each day and know that if I were to be in a wreck and die, that I would really be more alive than I have ever been. The Bible teaches me that I am saved to the uttermost because I come to God by Him (Jesus) not by me, or by a church but through Jesus who ever lives to make intercession for Me. Friend, as the song goes “I am saved to the uttermost I know that I am, washed in the blood of the precious lamb.” Do you know that you are? If you don’t know, I am praying that you will make it sure today.
Pastor, Rev. Wayne Marcus