Pastor's Article 04-21-24

I want to say thank you as a Church for all that you do. Over the last couple of weeks, many of you have been praying for Tammy and our family with the diagnosis of her mom’s cancer. Her mom has been placed on hospice to try and keep her comfortable in these last days of her life. As many of you know, this is a very trying time for her and the family as they do their best in this difficult situation. Your prayers and love make this burden much lighter to bear. 
I would also like to say thanks for your generosity in the Annie Armstrong Easter offering. Your benevolence always amazes me as you give to support the work of making the Gospel known. Not only do you give your weekly tithes, but you give graciously in special offerings, and I know that God will continue to richly bless you as He is so faithful to do.
Then finally I want to say thanks to all the men who worked so hard yesterday in the Men’s Fellowship meal. Many of you spent hours cooking, cleaning, greeting, and facilitating as visitors came and were able to hear the message of Christ. Your labor of love and hard work are greatly appreciated and will be greatly rewarded as God always keeps a record of all that you do for Him.
It is a great honor to serve as your Pastor and I am so very thankful for all that you do and the great privilege that is mine to serve the Lord along side of you.
Rev. Wayne Marcus




