09-15-24 Judgement House

Judgement House
Sunday, October 20th thru Thursday, October 24th
6:30-8:30 PM Nightly
Can you believe it is time for one of the greatest evangelistic events we are allowed to present at Tom’s Creek Baptist Church? Judgement House is a walk-thru drama that depicts people’s lives and the choices we make that affect our eternity. The title of the drama is “Gone in a Flash,” and how true that is - our lives can be over that quick.
It takes many people to present Judgement House, and we need YOU!
The following are areas in which we need people to serve:
  • Food - these people cook for the ones working nightly in Judgement House
  • Parking Lot - maintain order and direct the parking nightly
  • Greeters - happy smiling faces welcome each person as he/she enters the sanctuary and help people with registration cards
  • Registration - assign groups, organize all correspondence, answer questions, and keep guides and groups moving
  • Scene Coordinators - decorate and direct a specific scene
  • Scene workers - participants in a particular scene
  • Guides - lead groups thru each scene and narrate the beginning of scene
  • Child Care - be responsible to care for church workers’ children during the presentation
  • Counselors - willing to counsel those who make a decision for Christ, following the drama presentation
If you are willing to commit to being used of the Lord the week of Judgement House, please sign up on sheet in the entry way of sanctuary.
Be reminded, if you are part of a scene in the drama, we ask that you attend 5:00 PM practice each Sunday beginning September 22, 2024. Watch bulletin for the training sessions for the other areas of service. Any questions or concerns, see Tammy Marcus, Tasha Scroggs, Will or April Roane.



