Associate Pastor Article 07-14-24

We live in a time of severe uncertainty. You don’t have to be convinced when someone says that. You know as well as I do that no one knows what tomorrow holds. There used to be times when you could know with a good probability what your future would hold. As children are expected and born today, however, we can’t help but wonder what kind of world they will grow up in. Will the next generation see more times of uncertainty and lostness? Will they see the complete downfall of the nuclear family in America, which will then lead to the downfall of America itself? Will they see the third, and probably final, world war? Will they see the coming Savior?
We may not know the answers from where we stand in time, but one thing is sure. We still serve a great God who does know. Our lives may be filled with uncertainty, but we can still have hope that the God of the universe still controls it all. As Christians, this should point us even more to God and our relationship with Him. What has He called you to in your life today? Is it an act of service, a role in His Church, or a period of waiting for His blessing and instruction? This may be another area of uncertainty in your life, but this you can bank on, God wants you to glorify Him with your life. That may mean changing your plans. It may mean moving your family to another country to tell others about Him. It may mean staying right where you are and doing just as you are, but with a change of priorities. Whatever God has called you to, be willing to listen to the still small voice and obey. His purpose for you, that He made before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4), is much more fulfilling than your plans for you ever could be. May God bless all of us as we go through this journey of uncertain times and glorify Him to the best of our abilities.
Your Associate Pastor,      
J.T. Albea




