Pastor's Article Jan. 21, 2024

As I was reading Mark 8:27, where Jesus asked His disciples, “who do men say that I am?” I started thinking about that question for our society. Who do the people around you say that Jesus is? Some say He is the Lord, others that He is the Savior, with these people I can agree, but what do others say? Sadly, some people think Jesus is just a historical figure from the past, person who lived, made a difference back then, and died. For these people Christ has not impacted their life. Others have never even heard of Jesus; therefore, they don’t think about Him at all. Then there are those who think that He was a prophet, an angel, or a good man who helped a lot of people during His life. The real question is do you know what people around you think about Jesus, and does it matter to you? It is important for us to know what people think about Jesus if we are going to teach them the truth about who He is. It is even more important to care about what people know and believe. Having the understanding, one day they will stand before the resurrected and ruling Lord Jesus in Judgement and give an account for the truth that has been shared ought to motivate us to make who Christ is known to the world. Especially those directly around us. As we think about Judgement we should also be reminded that we too will stand in Judgement and give an account for our stewardship of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and how faithful we were in sharing the good news of God’s gift to the world. In other words, the Great Commission is our Mission, and we are commissioned until the world knows who Jesus is and what He has done that people can be saved from their sin. So, I ask again, who do men around you say that Jesus is?



