Weekly Article
Would you describe your life as being good, a life that is filled with Joy? I want you to know today that this is what God wants for you. He wants your life to be full of Joy. There are several verses that tell us that what He allows into our life is for the purpose of full joy. Often we have the misconception that more stuff, or more entertainment is what we need to have a good life. Contrary to what we are taught and think, often God takes away or allows affliction to bring joy into our life. We think that to bring honor to God we must be sitting on a mountain top with all our toys and thrills and then we read of people like Paul and Silas sitting in a wet, moldy jail with their feet in the stocks at midnight singing and praising God. Or we find Daniel in the lion’s den fast asleep without a care in the world while the man who placed him there is twisting and turning on His comfortable bed, afraid of what might happen to his God protected friend.
I want to remind you that Joy is not based on where you are geographically located, or what your material manifesto looks like, nor is it based upon your health or the things happening in life. Joy, real joy is found in being in the center of the will of God, or as Jesus would say, “it is abiding in Him as He abides in you”. Real joy is found in knowing the Love of God and continuing in His love. Believe it or not, following God through the dark valley of life only seeing by the lamp light in which God gives you is the path that leads to joy. You don’t have to know where God is leading you or even why He is leading you there, all you need to know is that it is God who is leading you through His Word, His will, and for His praise. As you follow you will find a life of fruitfulness, overflowing with Joy. I remember taking my girls to the forbidden caverns when they were little, holding their hands as the guide turned the lights off to show how dark it was in the cave. When the lights went off both of my girls squeezed tighter to my hands and pulled up closer to me for sense of security. May I remind you that the darker things get in life the tighter we hold to the hand of our Father and that is where we find our complete joy. I hope your life is full of Joy!
Pastor, Wayne Marcus
Would you describe your life as being good, a life that is filled with Joy? I want you to know today that this is what God wants for you. He wants your life to be full of Joy. There are several verses that tell us that what He allows into our life is for the purpose of full joy. Often we have the misconception that more stuff, or more entertainment is what we need to have a good life. Contrary to what we are taught and think, often God takes away or allows affliction to bring joy into our life. We think that to bring honor to God we must be sitting on a mountain top with all our toys and thrills and then we read of people like Paul and Silas sitting in a wet, moldy jail with their feet in the stocks at midnight singing and praising God. Or we find Daniel in the lion’s den fast asleep without a care in the world while the man who placed him there is twisting and turning on His comfortable bed, afraid of what might happen to his God protected friend.
I want to remind you that Joy is not based on where you are geographically located, or what your material manifesto looks like, nor is it based upon your health or the things happening in life. Joy, real joy is found in being in the center of the will of God, or as Jesus would say, “it is abiding in Him as He abides in you”. Real joy is found in knowing the Love of God and continuing in His love. Believe it or not, following God through the dark valley of life only seeing by the lamp light in which God gives you is the path that leads to joy. You don’t have to know where God is leading you or even why He is leading you there, all you need to know is that it is God who is leading you through His Word, His will, and for His praise. As you follow you will find a life of fruitfulness, overflowing with Joy. I remember taking my girls to the forbidden caverns when they were little, holding their hands as the guide turned the lights off to show how dark it was in the cave. When the lights went off both of my girls squeezed tighter to my hands and pulled up closer to me for sense of security. May I remind you that the darker things get in life the tighter we hold to the hand of our Father and that is where we find our complete joy. I hope your life is full of Joy!
Pastor, Wayne Marcus