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Today we are here to celebrate the birth of Christ and worship Him because we know that our worth is dependent on Him. Most of us have lived our lives with an effort of becoming independent, striving to create our own identity and self-worth. We are told that we must learn to be self-sufficient, and that our worth is not based on what someone else thinks or says about us. In most instances, I would say to all that, Amen. However, when it comes to Christ and our need for Him, I would say that without Him and our identity in Him, we are doomed. That is the reason Christmas is such a special time of the year. When God sent His only begotten Son, He did so because that was the only way we could have the hope of eternal life. Jesus was born so that I could be born again, so that I could come to God the Father. Please understand that the incarnation, or birth of Christ, was God coming to man because mankind could not get to God. Religion was and is a big failure. For us to have eternal life, we must have a relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ. It doesn’t sound like a Christmas verse, but read this verse and think about the implications of it. Jesus saith unto him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6. The gift that God gave us on that first Christmas was the gift of the way to get to the Father. The way is not a path, it is a person God wrapped in flesh who came to live a perfect life, to die a sacrificial death, and to provide a powerful resurrection that we might conquer death and Hell, overcoming the penalty of sin through our Lord and Savior. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.
Rev. Wayne Marcus
Today we are here to celebrate the birth of Christ and worship Him because we know that our worth is dependent on Him. Most of us have lived our lives with an effort of becoming independent, striving to create our own identity and self-worth. We are told that we must learn to be self-sufficient, and that our worth is not based on what someone else thinks or says about us. In most instances, I would say to all that, Amen. However, when it comes to Christ and our need for Him, I would say that without Him and our identity in Him, we are doomed. That is the reason Christmas is such a special time of the year. When God sent His only begotten Son, He did so because that was the only way we could have the hope of eternal life. Jesus was born so that I could be born again, so that I could come to God the Father. Please understand that the incarnation, or birth of Christ, was God coming to man because mankind could not get to God. Religion was and is a big failure. For us to have eternal life, we must have a relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ. It doesn’t sound like a Christmas verse, but read this verse and think about the implications of it. Jesus saith unto him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6. The gift that God gave us on that first Christmas was the gift of the way to get to the Father. The way is not a path, it is a person God wrapped in flesh who came to live a perfect life, to die a sacrificial death, and to provide a powerful resurrection that we might conquer death and Hell, overcoming the penalty of sin through our Lord and Savior. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.
Rev. Wayne Marcus