Weekly Article
There are two Ordinances or things that we are ordered to observe in the Bible, the first being Baptism, the second being the Lord’s Supper. Today we will be observing the Lord’s Supper which is a time set aside to remember a few very important aspects about our relationship with God. The first thing we need always remember is that God wants to have communion with us. We see this from the very first book of the Bible. In Genesis you see God walking in fellowship with Adam and Eve. We were created to have a communal relationship with God. A life lived in constant communion with the God of heaven that Satan tries to destroy as He attempts to lure us away from God and into sin. The Lord’s Supper is a reminder that God loves and wants to fellowship or break bread with us. We see this as Jesus says in Luke 22:15 “with desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you.”. Secondly, we remember what it cost God to have fellowship with us. The two elements of the Lord’s Supper are a reminder that the Blood of Jesus must be shed to atone or wash away our iniquity and that His body endured the wrath of His Father against sin, so that our unrighteousness could be paid for. His blood was shed and His body was broken so that we could have a relationship with God. He took our place on the cross. The third thing we must remember is that we must personally partake of Christ, we must receive the gift of His body and shed blood to be saved. This is seen as we are told that He gave to them and said take and partake. The Lord’s Supper is a reminder to us of the price and the preciousness of our salvation. It is almost shameful that we must be told to remember but the truth is that without reminders we tend to forget just how much God loves and wants to have fellowship with us.
Rev. Wayne Marcus, Pastor
There are two Ordinances or things that we are ordered to observe in the Bible, the first being Baptism, the second being the Lord’s Supper. Today we will be observing the Lord’s Supper which is a time set aside to remember a few very important aspects about our relationship with God. The first thing we need always remember is that God wants to have communion with us. We see this from the very first book of the Bible. In Genesis you see God walking in fellowship with Adam and Eve. We were created to have a communal relationship with God. A life lived in constant communion with the God of heaven that Satan tries to destroy as He attempts to lure us away from God and into sin. The Lord’s Supper is a reminder that God loves and wants to fellowship or break bread with us. We see this as Jesus says in Luke 22:15 “with desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you.”. Secondly, we remember what it cost God to have fellowship with us. The two elements of the Lord’s Supper are a reminder that the Blood of Jesus must be shed to atone or wash away our iniquity and that His body endured the wrath of His Father against sin, so that our unrighteousness could be paid for. His blood was shed and His body was broken so that we could have a relationship with God. He took our place on the cross. The third thing we must remember is that we must personally partake of Christ, we must receive the gift of His body and shed blood to be saved. This is seen as we are told that He gave to them and said take and partake. The Lord’s Supper is a reminder to us of the price and the preciousness of our salvation. It is almost shameful that we must be told to remember but the truth is that without reminders we tend to forget just how much God loves and wants to have fellowship with us.
Rev. Wayne Marcus, Pastor