Pastor's Article 08-04-24

In our passage today, Revelation 1:8 starts out by saying, “I am”. When you read that, your mind instantly should go back to Exodus 3:14 when Moses asked God, who do I tell them sent me? And God said, ‘I am that I am. Thus, thou shalt say unto the children of Israel, I am hath sent me unto you.’ Jesus introduces Himself as I am. In verse 9, John begins “I, John.” Friend, Jesus is the great I am; therefore, I can rest in just being Wayne. In all my failures, flaws, and foolish thinking, I can trust the great I am and know that He is the beginning and the end, and everything in between. His wisdom encompasses all time, understands all things, and accomplishes all He desires, on His timetable. John reminds us that, as he writes, he is enduring trials of persecution and is patiently waiting for the Lord. While the Lord did not return in his lifetime, the Lord did call him home. Today, John is with the Lord Jesus, as will be the case with every one of us who is saved; either by rapture or death, we will be with the Lord. So, trust the great I am, walk with Him, and know that every day that we wait on the Lord gives us a greater yearning to see Him face to face.
I don’t know what you are going through, but I know that your steadfast faithfulness and absolute dependence on the Lord will sustain you as you trust and follow Him. May God give you a word and a close-up look at who He is as we walk through this precious book that reveals the Almighty God in the person of Jesus Christ, the King of all Kings.
Rev. Wayne Marcus



