Pastor's Article 03-02-25

One of history’s darkest chapters, the Holocaust was the systematic killing of six million Jewish men, women and children, and millions of others by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during World War II. The antisemitic policies and laws were used to target God’s chosen people with the purpose of wiping them off the face of the earth. It was a dark blot on the history of the world that should never be forgotten. As we look through Revelation chapter 12, we will come to understand that this is not a forgotten task nor mission that Satan has given up on. During the Great Tribulation there will be another holocaust, and the purpose will once again be to destroy those that God has called His own. Today we have already seen a rise in antisemitism around the world, and even here in the United States. It is important that we understand that those who are in favor of destroying or cleaning the Jewish people from the “River to the Sea” as they chant, are walking in step with Satan. Remember God curses those who curse Israel and blesses those who bless Israel. Because God has chosen Israel, Satan has sworn them and Christians as His bitter enemies. Satan hates what God loves. We are in a real war, a spiritual battle for the souls of men, women and kids. Please be reminded as we go through the book of Revelation that we are looking at a battle that is raging, and we can see not only what is happening, but what is going to happen in the days to come. Friend, commit to praying, participating, and paying the price that is required to be a soldier in the Army of God. Christianity is not just about going to church and getting entertained; it is about understanding your marching orders from the King and working to see His will done here as it is in Heaven. May God give us wisdom as we prepare for His service.
Rev. Wayne Marcus



