Associate Pastor article 07-07-24

As we get halfway through summer, many of you have gone on vacation to the mountains, the beach, or a cruise. While in some ways I am jealous, there is no one that I can blame but myself for not having a trip to go to. Kylie and I are pretty bad at planning vacations. In our almost five years of marriage, we haven’t gone on one summer vacation yet. It seems to be our habit to go around the time of our anniversary in December. The issue with doing something in the summer is always… life. We are busy, and our schedule often runs week to week most times. We let work, chores and other things get in the way of making time for planning trips in the future. 
            As Christians, we can do the same thing with our walk with God. We can let the hustle and bustle of life draw our attention away from God. Things like our prayer life, our scripture reading, and our Christian fellowship can all take a backseat to the would-be priorities in life. God’s Word is clear that we aren’t humans living the Christian life, but Christians living human life. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old has passed away, and see the new has come!”
            So, as you plan your future, remember to do it in view of walking in this newness of life that Christ has given you. Don’t be one who takes advantage of the great salvation Christ offers to then just be someone to go through the motions.
Your Associate Pastor,
J.T. Albea



