Pastor Article 09-08-24

Today, we will look at Pergamos, the church that compromised, and hear what the Lord tells them, and thus us, about the dangers of compromise. Before you hear the message, think about these other times in the Word of God where people have compromised.
• Adam compromised God’s law, followed his wife’s sin, and lost paradise (Genesis 3:6,
22- 24).
• Abraham compromised the truth, lied about Sarah’s relationship to him, and nearly lost his wife (Genesis 12:10-12).
• Sarah compromised God’s Word and sent Abraham to Hagar, who bore Ishmael and destroyed peace in the Middle East (Genesis 16:1-12).
• Moses compromised God’s command and lost the privilege of entering the Promised Land (Numbers 20:7-12).
• Samson compromised his devotion as a Nazirite and lost his strength, his eyesight, and his life (Judges 16:4-6, 16-31).
• Israel compromised the commands of the Lord, lived in sin, and, when fighting the Philistines, lost the Ark of God (1Samuel 4:11).
• Saul compromised God’s divine word by not slaying the animals of his enemy and lost his kingdom (1Samuel 15:3, 20-28).
• David compromised God’s standard, committed adultery with Bathsheba, murdered Uriah, and lost his infant son (2Samuel 11:1-4ff, 2Samuel 12:7-14).
• Solomon compromised his convictions, married foreign wives, and lost the united kingdom (1Kings 11:1-8).
• Ananias and Sapphira compromised their word about their giving, lied to the Holy Spirit, and lost their lives (Acts 5:1-11).
May God help us live with deep conviction and never compromise.
Rev. Wayne Marcus



