Pastor's Article 10-13-24

The Church of Laodicea was a sick church, and a sick church makes the Lord sick. They were not sick because they accidentally caught something; they were sick because of their diet. They had an appetite for the riches of this world and were filled with a false sense of security. Like many of our day, they were sick and blind without realizing it. What about you? How are you doing spiritually? Is your relationship with Christ more important to you than this world? Does the Lord have your attention, your surrendered commitment to Him? Is His fellowship an important part of your life? We are created to fellowship with the Lord, and when that fellowship suffers, we instinctively start trying to fill the void with something to satisfy our created desire. The problem is that we fill our lives with stuff that gives us a false sense of purpose or with fading possessions. Only Jesus can heal the spiritual hurt that is caused by walking in this sin-sick world without holding the hand of our loving Savior. Adam and Eve didn’t fall into sin when they were walking with God in the cool of the day; they fell into sin when they were drawn away to the place of temptation. Walk with Jesus and your life will be blessed. Walk away from Jesus and your life will be a blooming mess. He loves you and wants to have fellowship with you.
Rev. Wayne Marcus




