Associate Pastor Article 09-01-24

Today marks the beginning of a new church year operationally. Whenever I am reminded of this, I always get excited. I know that some events are just right around the corner, one of those being Homecoming. We get to fellowship with those whom we might not see that often, and it always brings me joy to see our church acting as a welcoming family to the ones in our community. As a Baptist, one can’t describe the joy either without mentioning the food that is going to be involved. Following this, in the coming months are going to be Judgement House and the Fall Festival. These events give our community an opportunity to come and see what Tom’s Creek is all about. We as a church are so ministry minded, and that’s one of the best things about us. Please don’t let up on your service to God for this church. Our community wouldn’t be the same without us. No matter what your service is, greeter, nursery worker, or administrator, you are important to the change that we make in the lives of those around us.
As we look back on the last year, we cannot help but see the many blessings that God has poured out on us. Since September of 2023 we have had 39 new members join us, and 27 of those were baptisms. That is something to give glory to God for! You played a part in that with your prayers, your energy and time, and your outreach. The Lord has been good to Tom’s Creek this past operational year, and I encourage you to look back on this past church year and see how He has blessed you. Hopefully, at the end of it, you can say with the Apostle Paul, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)
Your Assoc. Pastor,
J.T. Albea




