Pastor's Article 06-30-24

Tammy and I just had the privilege of celebrating our 39th wedding anniversary. It is hard to do that without thinking about how blessed you are. So how do you count your blessings? What are the things that you look at as being great in your life? I guess what I am asking is, how do you measure success?
It would be wrong to measure the success of your life by how long you have been married. Some have been happily married for fifty years and others have been miserably married for much longer than that. Therefore, it would be safe to say that the longevity of marriage is not a good indicator of a successful life. Nor can you measure success based on the number of monetary things you have. Many very wealthy people are much more miserable than they are happy. I would even go so far as to say that happiness is not a true measurement of success. You can be happy and still end up in hell for eternity - which would lead any sensible person to agree that this is the ultimate failure of life.
The only real measurement of success is how much impact your life has had on this world for the cause of Christ. When my life is over, I will stand in the presence of the Lord at the Bema Seat of Christ and give an account; the good that I did will be rewarded and the bad will cost me. It is imperative that we live our lives in step with the instructions and guidance of the Holy Spirit of God. I can not live to please my wife, my kids, myself, or anyone else. I must live with respect to bringing honor and glory to God if I want to be successful in life. True success is measured by obedience to God.
Rev. Wayne Marcus




