Associate Pastor article 06-16-24

Today marks a special day for a lot of men. We celebrate all the fathers in our church today and recognize the hard work that you put in day-in and day-out to support your family. But if today is hard for you for a number of reasons, we want you to know that you are seen and loved by not only us but by our heavenly Father also.
            Fathers, your biblical call as the family father carries with it many joys and pleasures, but can also carry burdens and hard work. First, you are the head of your family. Not just in the hierarchy of power, which many men take advantage of, but also in the defense and protection of your family. You are called to protect them not only from the dangers of this world but also from spiritual attacks. You are the first line of defense and, in order for you to defend your family, you have to be aware of their spiritual wellbeing. This involves you being the root of their spiritual education. In a practical sense, this could include family bible studies, volunteering at church with your family, and most importantly your being the visual “Jesus” in their life. Please do not minimize your role as a spiritual leader in the home. Statistics show that children who grow up with a spiritually active mother and no father, are around 85% likely to leave the church when they move out.
            No matter what you have been told or taught, you are worth a lot to your family and God has put you in this role for a reason. You may not realize how much you mean to your family, and we at Tom’s Creek love and appreciate you.
Lastly, I want to thank my dad for his unwavering faithfulness to love and provide for his family. I am who I am because of him.
Your Associate Pastor,
J.T. Albea




