Have you ever gone somewhere and felt unwelcome, like you were out of place or as if the people there wanted you to leave? Needless to say, I have felt that way many times in my life, it may have been a figment of my imagination or maybe even the prompting of the Holy Spirit to leave but it is a terrible feeling of being out of place. I have felt that way more and more over the last few years, as if it is time to go, almost like as a Christian I am unwanted or unwelcome in this world. As followers of the Lord Jesus, we are going to feel uncomfortable and out of place in a world that is largely following Satan. Our thoughts, standards, likes, and dislikes are contrary to this world. It seems that I disagree with more of this world’s goals and ambitions than I agree with.
While living in this world is difficult as I read the Word of God, I am encouraged to know that in the end this world will be what is out of place and not me. You heard that right, in the end I am on the winning side and those who now boast in their sin and perverseness will sober up to a day where there is found no place for them. The Word of God teaches us that Babylon will fall, that all men will stand before the Lord Jesus as their eternal Judge and those who’s name is not recorded in the book of life will be cast in the Lake of Fire. If you are a friend with this world, you are an enemy of God. Therefore, if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable and out of place that is because this is not your home. We are but pilgrims passing through a foreign land, so take peace in knowing that there is a better day dawning for God’s people. The end of this world is not something to be feared but by faith to look forward to.
Rev. Wayne Marcus
While living in this world is difficult as I read the Word of God, I am encouraged to know that in the end this world will be what is out of place and not me. You heard that right, in the end I am on the winning side and those who now boast in their sin and perverseness will sober up to a day where there is found no place for them. The Word of God teaches us that Babylon will fall, that all men will stand before the Lord Jesus as their eternal Judge and those who’s name is not recorded in the book of life will be cast in the Lake of Fire. If you are a friend with this world, you are an enemy of God. Therefore, if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable and out of place that is because this is not your home. We are but pilgrims passing through a foreign land, so take peace in knowing that there is a better day dawning for God’s people. The end of this world is not something to be feared but by faith to look forward to.
Rev. Wayne Marcus
Posted in Wayne Marcus