Pastor's Article Nov. 21, 2021

As you read through the Bible you will find the word Thanks 108 times in 105 different verses. This is a word that drips from the pages of God’s Word. The reason God tells us to give thanks repeatedly is because we tend to look at the negative aspects of life instead of the blessings of life. God tells us to give thanks because this is right, and it helps us stay focused on the goodness of God as we live in a sin cursed world. There is no denying that this world is bad and that bad things happen to us, Jesus said “each day would have its sufficiency of problems” so we know that we can expect problems. Yet with the problems of life there is sufficient grace to endure and the purpose of purification as God works to make us Christ like. Last week I talked to one man who was complaining because he had to work and within five minutes talked to another man who was complaining because he couldn’t work. This reminds me that no matter where you are in life and no matter what you are experiencing you can either murmur and complain or choose to praise and give thanks. As we read through the Word of God, we know that it is God’s will that we give thanks for all things. God wants us to live our life offering the sacrifice of praise with our lips. “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”  I hope you will come to our thanksgiving praise service and enjoy hearing people lift the Lord in praise followed by a great time of fellowship and food. I thank God for you and the blessing you are in my life and pray we will always be able to see past the problems and give God praise for He is good. 
Your Pastor, Rev. Wayne Marcus




