Weekly Article
The Christmas Story is such an amazing story and every time I think of the Birth of Christ the responsibility that God placed on Mary just amazes me. Mary was espoused to Joseph and the scripture said that she was found with child before they came together. Can you imagine her trying to explain how she was pregnant to her espoused or betrothed husband? How do you get someone to believe something that you don’t even understand yourself and that seems so farfetched and unreasonable? Especially when sin and wrongdoing on her side would have made so much more sense and was a very common occurrence with the rest of humanity. The scripture says that he thought on these things; wow, that is a great idea before we jump to conclusions about what could have happened maybe we should start thinking about things and see what God might reveal to us. Here is Mary a pregnant virgin, carrying the Son of God, being falsely accused, and having to travel to pay taxes, this is a lot to place on the shoulders of a young woman. It makes me laugh when I hear people talking about God not wanting them to have to suffer or endure hardship. Try finding one person in the Bible that God used to do great things that didn’t suffer or at the very least endure hardship in the process of serving the Lord. Mary had a lot on her shoulders, but as we look back, we see how blessed and highly favored she was that she would have the privilege of being the mother to the Son of God. Your ministry may seem hard at times, you may feel overwhelmed with the load that God has placed on you, but to be used of God is a great honor. May we learn from the Mother of Jesus that serving God can be tough and also good at the same time. Rev. Wayne Marcus
The Christmas Story is such an amazing story and every time I think of the Birth of Christ the responsibility that God placed on Mary just amazes me. Mary was espoused to Joseph and the scripture said that she was found with child before they came together. Can you imagine her trying to explain how she was pregnant to her espoused or betrothed husband? How do you get someone to believe something that you don’t even understand yourself and that seems so farfetched and unreasonable? Especially when sin and wrongdoing on her side would have made so much more sense and was a very common occurrence with the rest of humanity. The scripture says that he thought on these things; wow, that is a great idea before we jump to conclusions about what could have happened maybe we should start thinking about things and see what God might reveal to us. Here is Mary a pregnant virgin, carrying the Son of God, being falsely accused, and having to travel to pay taxes, this is a lot to place on the shoulders of a young woman. It makes me laugh when I hear people talking about God not wanting them to have to suffer or endure hardship. Try finding one person in the Bible that God used to do great things that didn’t suffer or at the very least endure hardship in the process of serving the Lord. Mary had a lot on her shoulders, but as we look back, we see how blessed and highly favored she was that she would have the privilege of being the mother to the Son of God. Your ministry may seem hard at times, you may feel overwhelmed with the load that God has placed on you, but to be used of God is a great honor. May we learn from the Mother of Jesus that serving God can be tough and also good at the same time. Rev. Wayne Marcus