~ Pastor’s Weekly Article ~
There are a lot of things happening in the world today that give us as Christian’s reason to be sad and at the same time excited with anticipation of the rapture.
Many prophecies are being fulfilled which give us reason to expect the Second coming of Christ to be soon but remember the rapture of the Church precedes the Second Coming of Christ by seven years, as Christ will come after the Great tribulation. The Rapture is not the Second coming of Christ but rather the appearing of Christ, because Christ will not set his foot on the earth during the Rapture.
The Rapture of the Church is when Christ calls up those who have been called out. There are no prophecies that must be fulfilled for the Church to be raptured out. According to the doctrine of imminency, Rapture is imminent, meaning it could take place at any moment and when it does it will take less than a moment. Nothing on God’s prophetic timetable must take place as a prerequisite to the Rapture, which means that it could happen today or a hundred days from now, according to Matthew 24:36-39, no one knows when it will take place, but we are certain that it will.
What is most important when considering the Rapture is that you are ready when it takes place. The only way to be ready is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Many people say I believe in Jesus, and what they really mean is that they believe of Him. Make certain that you have put your faith and trust in the Lord and that you are ready to see Him face to face. Talk to Him, listen to Him, and follow Him as you live your life each day. Knowing that soon He will be coming to call His bride (the Church) away from this sin cursed world. Are you Rapture Ready, washed in the blood of the Lamb, born again, with your name recorded in the Lambs Book of Life. If so, look up your redemption draweth nigh! Even so Lord Jesus come quickly!
Pastor, Rev. Wayne Marcus
There are a lot of things happening in the world today that give us as Christian’s reason to be sad and at the same time excited with anticipation of the rapture.
Many prophecies are being fulfilled which give us reason to expect the Second coming of Christ to be soon but remember the rapture of the Church precedes the Second Coming of Christ by seven years, as Christ will come after the Great tribulation. The Rapture is not the Second coming of Christ but rather the appearing of Christ, because Christ will not set his foot on the earth during the Rapture.
The Rapture of the Church is when Christ calls up those who have been called out. There are no prophecies that must be fulfilled for the Church to be raptured out. According to the doctrine of imminency, Rapture is imminent, meaning it could take place at any moment and when it does it will take less than a moment. Nothing on God’s prophetic timetable must take place as a prerequisite to the Rapture, which means that it could happen today or a hundred days from now, according to Matthew 24:36-39, no one knows when it will take place, but we are certain that it will.
What is most important when considering the Rapture is that you are ready when it takes place. The only way to be ready is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Many people say I believe in Jesus, and what they really mean is that they believe of Him. Make certain that you have put your faith and trust in the Lord and that you are ready to see Him face to face. Talk to Him, listen to Him, and follow Him as you live your life each day. Knowing that soon He will be coming to call His bride (the Church) away from this sin cursed world. Are you Rapture Ready, washed in the blood of the Lamb, born again, with your name recorded in the Lambs Book of Life. If so, look up your redemption draweth nigh! Even so Lord Jesus come quickly!
Pastor, Rev. Wayne Marcus