Pastor's Article Oct., 29, 2023

~ Pastor’s Weekly Article ~
Judgement House was a great success with many people coming to know the Lord and many rededicating their lives. Obviously, that is the reason we do Judgement House but there are many more good results that come from a week of the Family of God working together. We had good fellowship, we saw the amazing giftedness of our brothers and sisters in Christ, and all had experiences that helped us grow in the Lord. We were able to break bread together each evening and simply get to know each other better. It is good when brethren dwell together in unity.
Now that Judgement House is in the books, we have our Fall Festival, Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas Choir Cantata, and a plethora of Christmas Dinners, to finish out the year. This is a busy time of the year, but I love it! As we get started on next year’s calendar, please pray that God will give us wisdom to plan and prepare to accomplish His perfect will for the Church. I pray we can finish this year strong and see many more people added to the Kingdom of God.  As we work, may we do all we do as unto the Lord. Love You Tom’s Creek!
Pastor, Rev. Wayne Marcus



