Power of the Church

How is the church powered? Many would look at the church building and think it is powered by electricity and propane; if I were talking about the lights and heat you would be right. But I am talking about the real fuel or fire behind the life the Church. What drives us, excites us, and empowers us to keep on keeping on?

Friend, the Church receives its real power from the Holy Spirit. That is the reason Jesus told the Church to tarry at Jerusalem until they received the promise of the Father (Acts 1:8). Jesus referred to the work of the Spirit as a promise of power. Could it be that the Church is trying to operate under a weaker source? It may be the power of manipulation or simple determination instead of inspiration and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. The work that the Church was birthed to accomplish and commissioned to fulfill is a work that requires the power of God.

Please know that Jesus didn’t get up from the grave by the power of humanity but because of the power of God. The work of bringing the sin-sick and the spiritual dead to life is a work that requires resurrection power. I cannot give life to the dead nor can you, but the Holy Spirit of God can and will when we pray. We must depend on the power of God to accomplish the work of God. The Church at its birth was told to wait for the promised power, and the church of today must learn to rely on that same power. It comes through prayer and obedience to the Holy Spirit as He leads us each day from His Holy Word. Please ask God to take total control of your life and lead you in every aspect of your life.

Rev. Wayne Marcus  
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