What is the Church?

When someone says “Church” what do you think about? Do you think about the building that sits on the property at 3604 Hwy 145, or do you think about the people that gather at the building on 3604 Hwy 145? My prayer is that you understand that the Church is not a building on a piece of property. The Church is the people who have been called out by God, the people who have placed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and are committed to follow Him. The truth is that not all the people who meet in the building are really the Church. The Church is so much more than a gathering of people. Over the next couple of weeks we will take some time to look at the Church and what makes a person a real authentic part of the Church.

I consider it a real honor to belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, to be able to say that I am His and He is mine. As a member in the body of Christ, I realize that I am just one, but I am one and my part in the body is very important. Your part in the body of Christ is also very important just as important as my part but not more important. Each and every one of us are important to the work that God has given us and as we all work together we can accomplish every task that has been assigned to us. Would you please spend some time considering that God created you just like you are, special and unique to do what only you can do as a part of the Church? There is not another person on the face of this earth that was created to bring honor and glory to God as you are meant to. So please us your distinctiveness and individualism to serve and honor God as only you can in the body of Christ.

Rev. Wayne Marcus
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