Soon and Very Soon

I said last Sunday in my message that I wanted to see a light at the end of the tunnel, and to some extent, we are seeing this. We are beginning to look at when and how we can open the church back up and start worshipping together. I have to say that I am really excited and a little anxious as to how we do this. I can honestly say that there is nothing I want in my life more than to be able to collectively worship with my forever family.

I do want to let you know that when we do get back together we are going to need you as a church to be very flexible and expect some temporary changes. I will be meeting with church leadership to make plans and discuss what all we will be doing and how we will be opening in such a way as to keep people as safe as possible. We will also be starting back with a continued online service for people who do not feel safe worshiping on campus. The church has been given some pretty strict guidelines to follow in order to meet and still maintain a safe distance from others. Please pray for us as we try to work through these steps and please understand the purpose for these changes when we do get back together.

Rev. Wayne Marcus




