Looking Forward

Over the next few weeks we will be preparing for our Fall Festival. I am really excited about the opportunity to meet together as the Family of God and engage those of our community that are willing to come out. Although this is a wonderful opportunity for the church it will require a lot of work and a lot of prayer. Please if at all possible sign up to be a part of this great outreach event and above all pray that God will protect people and direct people to come to our Fall Festival.

I would also like to take time to thank you for the privilege that you have given Tammy and me to serve the Lord by serving you for the last 22 years. The other day I was cleaning out a drawer and came across a cassette tape that said Wayne’s last Sermon at Swamp Creek, the date on it was October 11, 1998. That seems so long ago but the time has flown by. It has been a great journey so far, this has become our home and you have become such an instrumental and important part of our family. When we consider the impact that you have had on our lives and our family it goes without saying that our hearts overflow with thanksgiving at every thought of you. My prayer is that God will continue to bless us as we labor together, and I am also praying that this next year will be one that offers us many uninterrupted opportunities to share the Gospel with many people through many different events and avenues.

Rev. Wayne Marcus
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