Weekly Article
We live in a very confusing time; things are changing so fast that it can be very scary. I never dreamed I would see our country change as fast as it has over the last two years and especially the last 10 months. We are moving very fast to being a socialist country as has happened to many countries throughout history. As you look at what is happening around the world it becomes obvious that Satan is on a rampage, crime of every sort is on the rise and corruption is at an all time high. Sickness, disease, sin, and greed are making headlines in every news outlet that you read or hear. What does all this mean and what in the world is going on? I hate to be the kind of person who says I told you so and I can’t really say that now because what I have told you over the years has not been what I told you, but what I reported to you from the Word of God. The Bible has told us so, the Bible teaches us that the things that are happening would happen in the last days and sure enough they are.
As we look through the Word of God the Bible tells us what is taking place and how the Antichrist is going to use these things to deceive and lead people to do what he wants them to do. It also tells us what God is going to do, and how God uses these things in the life of Christians. Please remember as surprised as many of us are that things are happening so rapidly, this has not taken God by surprise. Why it seems that things are happening fast it has been over the process of thousands of years that God has been allowing things to play out which is leading to the church being taken out. We must give ourselves to prayer, fasting and whole heartedly commit to the work of winning the lost to Christ before it is too late. As the Word of God teaches us, “look up for your redemption draweth nigh”. And as John said, “ even so Lord come quickly”. I hope you are ready and are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. Rev. Wayne Marcus
We live in a very confusing time; things are changing so fast that it can be very scary. I never dreamed I would see our country change as fast as it has over the last two years and especially the last 10 months. We are moving very fast to being a socialist country as has happened to many countries throughout history. As you look at what is happening around the world it becomes obvious that Satan is on a rampage, crime of every sort is on the rise and corruption is at an all time high. Sickness, disease, sin, and greed are making headlines in every news outlet that you read or hear. What does all this mean and what in the world is going on? I hate to be the kind of person who says I told you so and I can’t really say that now because what I have told you over the years has not been what I told you, but what I reported to you from the Word of God. The Bible has told us so, the Bible teaches us that the things that are happening would happen in the last days and sure enough they are.
As we look through the Word of God the Bible tells us what is taking place and how the Antichrist is going to use these things to deceive and lead people to do what he wants them to do. It also tells us what God is going to do, and how God uses these things in the life of Christians. Please remember as surprised as many of us are that things are happening so rapidly, this has not taken God by surprise. Why it seems that things are happening fast it has been over the process of thousands of years that God has been allowing things to play out which is leading to the church being taken out. We must give ourselves to prayer, fasting and whole heartedly commit to the work of winning the lost to Christ before it is too late. As the Word of God teaches us, “look up for your redemption draweth nigh”. And as John said, “ even so Lord come quickly”. I hope you are ready and are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. Rev. Wayne Marcus