What are you doing that requires faith? As Christians we are called to live by faith, we have accepted Christ by faith, and we are to walk by faith. The Bible tells us that without faith it is impossible to please the Lord. You may be doing a lot more by faith than you even realize when you understand what real biblical faith is. Often people look at acts of chance as faith when it may not be faith at all. Some people go out and spend way more money than they can afford to on things they want and then say that they are buying it on faith when that is not faith at all. Living in a non-responsible way is not faith, nor is refusing to live with the common sense that God gave you. Faith is: living in obedience to the Word of God, as you listen to the Holy Spirit lead and direct your path. There may be times when God tells you do something that does not make sense to the world or even to your logic, but faith requires that you trust God instead of other men or yourself. A life lived by biblical faith will always be based upon a relationship with the Biblical God, God speaks through the Word, we obey by faith and God blesses according to His perfect will. Living by faith always blesses God and brings honor to Him, why at times it may seem that it cost us and requires great sacrifice on our part.
If your idea of living by faith is only doing what makes life better for you then your faith may be flawed. As we read through the Word of God and see the examples of people living out their faith, we can note that it always cost something to follow God and the blessings that come from walking by faith may not be evident in this lifetime. There have been many people who have lived by faith, died, and were considered failures by the world to find blessings in eternity. Faith is obeying God regardless of the cost, circumstances, or consequences simply because you believe Him. I choose to walk by faith, and I hope you will choose to obey the Lord as well.
Your Pastor, Rev. Wayne Marcus
If your idea of living by faith is only doing what makes life better for you then your faith may be flawed. As we read through the Word of God and see the examples of people living out their faith, we can note that it always cost something to follow God and the blessings that come from walking by faith may not be evident in this lifetime. There have been many people who have lived by faith, died, and were considered failures by the world to find blessings in eternity. Faith is obeying God regardless of the cost, circumstances, or consequences simply because you believe Him. I choose to walk by faith, and I hope you will choose to obey the Lord as well.
Your Pastor, Rev. Wayne Marcus