Pastor's Article Aug. 27, 2023

~ Pastor’s Weekly Article ~
The  Gideons
One Spirit, One Mind, One Vision
Striving Side by Side for the Faith of the Gospel
We are God-called members, brothers and sisters in Christ, husbands along with our wives—striving side by side to effectively and joyfully reach the world with the Good News.
 One Vision means working in one spirit and one mind with these three groups:
   • Christian business and professional men
   • Our wives, as a testimony to the Biblical institution of marriage
   • Protestant, evangelical churches, and     
     assemblies as partners in the Great Commission    
 A Rich History of Associating Together
The Gideon International was established in 1899. Our founders realized that Christian men needed to be continually strengthened in their walk with the Lord, and that by standing together in faith, they could accomplish great things for God’s Kingdom. Those formative years focused on who a man was before God and the strength and power of his personal testimony. Through associating together for service, Gideon challenge each other to strengthen their testimonies for Christ and fulfill their God-given responsibilities as spiritual leaders in their homes and churches.
 Personally Sharing our Faith
Members of The Gideon International share our faith because we realize how often people today need someone to come alongside them in finding their way to true salvation that is available only through the grace of God. As opportunities arise, we take time to share the Gospel message with friends and family, business acquaintances, and other people we meet who are struggling in their daily lives.
 Sharing Copies of God’s Word
We believe distributing copies of God’s Word plants powerful seeds God can use according to His own timing (I Corinthians 3:6), allows many to read the truth for themselves (John 8:32), provides a lasting witness (Hebrews 4:12), and makes it easier for those we reach to boldly spread the Good News (II Timothy 2:2). 
 Members of The Gideon International personally witness and distribute God’s Word to police, fire, and medical personnel; prisoners; military personnel; students in the fifth grade and above; and to those with whom they interact on a daily basis. Scriptures are also placed by Gideon and Auxiliary in key locations, including hotels, motels, hospitals, convalescent homes, medical offices, domestic violence shelters, prisons, and jails.
(Article Taken From Gideon International Web Page)



