Be a Godly Influence

Have you ever stopped to think about the people who have been used by God to influence your life? 

I was at the GA Baptist Convention Monday, and as I looked around, I noticed a couple of things, specifically, those men there who had influence my life. Men, who without even really making a concentrated effort to impact my life, have done just that without even knowing. These men (and there are way too many to name) have lived day in and day out, year after year, following Jesus. Through a consistent sold-out life have been great examples to me. They have been faithful to preach the Gospel, consistent in standing on Biblical doctrine, working day in and day out to win souls and train soul-winners. Year after year I have seen them at the convention, and their hair is grayer, their walk a little slower, their faces a bit more wrinkled, but most importantly, they are still preaching and doing what they have done from the day they gave their life to Christ.  

I also noticed that there were some men missing this year. I didn’t see Wayne Hamrick, George Barnett, Dewy Boyd, or Fred Evers. The reason I didn’t see these men is because all of these men have made their journey to heaven. They ran their race, fought a good fight, and have now entered into their reward. This reminds me that we have only a short time to influence others. We may walk the highways and byways of life for what seems like a long time, and people may become accustomed to us walking the same way year after year. There will certainly be a time when our walk leads us up to a higher plain, to a better place. A place unseen by the eyes of this world is where we are headed; therefore, today, and in this life, we strive to leave a legacy of faithfulness to those who unbeknownst to us are watching our walk. Just has I have been watching others, I am certain there are some watching me and you as we walk with the Lord. So watch your step and remember someone is following you.

Rev. Wayne Marcus    
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