God’s Gifts for Christians

Today you are probably trying to figure out what to do with the gifts that you received, how to make room for them, use them or maybe even how to take them back. When you are given something, it is yours, your responsibility, and what you do with it will determine how much you appreciate it. The same is true with the gifts that God gives us and there are many. The first and most important is the gift of His only begotten Son. I hope you have accepted this all-important gift. If you have not it can only mean that you didn’t appreciate His amazing love and sacrifice for you. If you have accepted the gift of His Son and Jesus is the Lord of your life, then of course you have the gift of the Holy Spirit residing in you. The Bible calls Him the Earnest of the Spirit or the deposit of your salvation. When the Holy Spirit resides in your life you have a comforter, teacher, director, counselor, and enabler with you always. This gift takes some getting accustomed to, learning to listen and obey the still small voice and living life in such a way as to not make Him feel uncomfortable or uneasy means a lot of adjustments to the way things were previous to Him moving in. When He moves in, He also brings with Him a whole plethora of ministry gifts that He expects you to use to bring honor to the Lord. It may be that before you surrendered your life to Christ you had no desire to teach, sing, witness, help or anything else to honor God but now you not only want to, but you also feel as though you must to be completely obedient and at peace. I hope it has become obvious to you that God saved you to serve, and that is what the power of God has unleashed in your life. I hope God’s Christmas gift to you has totally changed the way you live.
Rev. Wayne Marcus




